Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Final Four...

...weeks that is before I blow this joint! Woohoo! As exciting as that feels-- the idea of getting outta the midwest indefinitely and returning to Cali to chill with my homies-- a few major hurdles are left to jump:

1. Write/Revise/Defend Dissertation Prospectus...Ick, ick, and ick!

2. Finish teaching seminar, learn how to be a prepared future faculty member...retain as much info as I can since I won't be tapping into it again for another 2-3 years

3. Pack/Ship Boxes/Sell Stuff online

4. Sell my, sniffle, sadness

5. Jump on an airplane, fly home, regain semblance of sanity that existed before coming to crazy grad school program.

6. Plan fun reunion with Oregoniehomies!!!! This last step you all must participate in!!!!

It's the final do do do do do do do do do do do do doooooooo!


Cabiria said...

Woohoo! Can't wait for your list to be done (especially excited for step 6)!

Dolce Vita said...

Wow, that's a lot to take on in four weeks. Best of luck with all of it! (Oh, and "the crazy grad school lifestyle" - that doesn't go away when you move away from your U.)